JS - Extensions of time during periods of contractor culpable delay
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London - Horwich Farrelly Limited Trading as Quigg Golden Solicitors is registered in England and Wales under 13200208. Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, number 817849 Registered Office at Orange Tower - 11th Floor, Media City UK, Salford, Greater Manchester, England, M50 2HF | London@QuiggGolden.com | +44(0) 20 7022 2192
Maidstone - Horwich Farrelly Limited Trading as Quigg Golden Solicitors is registered in England and Wales under 13200208. Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, number 817849 Registered Office at Orange Tower - 11th Floor, Media City UK, Salford, Greater Manchester, England, M50 2HF | Maidstone@QuiggGolden.com | +44(0) 20 7022 2192
Dublin - Horwich Farrelly Ireland LLP Trading as Quigg Golden Solicitors is registered in the Republic of Ireland. Authorised and regulated by the Law Society of Ireland, number F10443 Registered Office at Room F1, 1st Floor, Denshaw House, 120/121 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2 | Dublin@QuiggGolden.com | +353(0) 1 676 6744
Belfast - Horwich Farrelly Northern Ireland LLP Trading as Quigg Golden NI is registered in Belfast under NC001673 and regulated by the Law Society of Northern Ireland, number 1620. Registered Office at Suite 207, Urban HQ Eagle Star House, 5-7 Upper Queen Street, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT1 6FB | Belfast@QuiggGolden.com | +44(0) 28 9032 1022
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